Dancing in Primary school education


  • Concepción Pedrero Muñoz
Keywords: Primary School Education, dance, movement, interpretation, choreographies and historical dance.


Dancing, briefly introduced through a review on education, will take us to study its present-day situation in the education system. Understanding dancing in Primary School Education as didactic progress and as an educational resource makes it possible to introduce the term “historical Dance” (the first dances written by dance Teachers) in the approach to competences introduced in the School Curriculum. We deal with several aspects for the didactic configuration of dancing, highlighting both basic methodological principles and the aspects around which contents can be grouped. We have used a keyword to define each stage together with the selection of objectives, contents, and assessment. Finally, we deal with the specific methodological principles to apply to the curricular area.


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How to Cite
Pedrero Muñoz, C. (2013). Dancing in Primary school education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(1), 129–148. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/175101