Students with intracranial tumours: The role of school in the improvement of the quality of life and in the rehabilitation of its late effects and treatments


  • Claudia Grau Rubio
Keywords: Intracranial tumor pediatric survivors, late effects, cranial radiation, prevention of sequelae, learning difficulties, special education, quality of life.


In this paper we describe “late effects” caused by the disease and treatment in children with intracranial tumors. Late effects cover many areas: medical, neurocognitive /educational and social/behavioral.
We believe that the school plays an important role in the prevention, assessment and rehabilitation of these consequences and contributes to improving the quality of life of children surviving an intracranial tumor. Their work must be interdisciplinary, requiring the coordinated action of the health and education services and the collaboration of the family.


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How to Cite
Grau Rubio, C. (2012). Students with intracranial tumours: The role of school in the improvement of the quality of life and in the rehabilitation of its late effects and treatments. Educatio Siglo XXI, 30(1), 161–186. Retrieved from