Teacher intercultural education: Strategies for a research-action process


  • Auxiliadora Sales Ciges
Keywords: Teachers training, intercultural and inclusive education, action-research, school change.


Interculturalism, for teachers, is a challenge in order to address cultural diversity in the Society of Information. This approach involves a process of social and cultural transformation, based on dialogic learning, focusing on the pursuit of intercultural dialogue which shows school as a space for democratic participation and teachers as critical citizens and committed researchers. Based on these principles, the teachers training proposal presented is developed at several schools in the Comunidad Valenciana. This is a process of participatory action research, using the “Guide for inclusive and intercultural school” as a reflection and self-assessment tool into three dimensions: how we are, how we organize ourselves and how we learn and teach. These three dimensions are explored and used in training process through a series of strategies for group cohesion, explicit values and expectations, self-assessment, democratic decision-making and inclusive classroom practices. The first experiences carried out allow us to draw conclusions about the key success factors of this training process and the need that the transformation of each school and community has made among all in an intercultural and inclusive approach.


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How to Cite
Sales Ciges, A. (2012). Teacher intercultural education: Strategies for a research-action process. Educatio Siglo XXI, 30(1), 113–132. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/149171