School Inadaptation in Cordova Centres


  • Verónica Marín Díaz
  • Rosa María Ortega Ceacero
  • Purificación Reina Pacheco
  • María Dolores García Fernández
Keywords: Diversity, training, family


The increase in the cultural diversity of the Spanish scholastic centers is a reality that day to day is going collecting a greater relevancy. The classrooms of the schools present a heterogeneity for the one which is necessary a specifi c training given the problematic situations that are produced, being one of them is the maladjustment. From here we present the results obtained in the development from a woodcock investigation by the town hall from the city from Córdoba where we have treated of determining which were the factors that were producing the maladjustment of the pupils.


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How to Cite
Marín Díaz, V., Ortega Ceacero, R. M., Reina Pacheco, P., & García Fernández, M. D. (2004). School Inadaptation in Cordova Centres. Educatio Siglo XXI, 22, 125–138. Retrieved from