The Affective Word in the Language Student's Revalorisation of Their Self-Image


  • Mar Vilar García Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Limiting belief systems, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, affective verbal behaviour, thought patterns, self-image, potential.


The present paper touches upon the fact of how a teacher’s affective verbal behaviour may help students install new thought patters in their self-image revalorization. Something that, by extension, will favour more suitable emotional estates in them in order to achieve a true potential increase as human beings and second language learners. For this reason, we will give special attention to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming modelling technique and our classroom experience. In this way, we will identify some limiting belief systems that block our students’ growth and performance. And, on the other hand, we will propose, as a possible solution, a new affective verbal style based on several principles extracted from some specialists’ experiences on personal growth. Finally, this essay will aim at providing the readers with some examples of messages directed towards such students’ negative belief system modifi cation. A system which is related to their environment, behaviour, capability and identity.


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How to Cite
Vilar García, M. (2004). The Affective Word in the Language Student’s Revalorisation of Their Self-Image. Educatio Siglo XXI, 22, 157–168. Retrieved from