School Science and Everyday Science. Mutual Interrelationships


  • Marcos Pérez Maldonado Museos científicos Coruñeses
  • Susana García Barros Universida de da Coruña
  • Cristina Martínez Losada Universida de da Coruña
Keywords: Scientific spreading, scientific alphabetization, University students, scientific subjects of social interest, Perception of Science.


The scientifi c alphabetization is a formative subject of special importance, in whose development different agents are implied (school, nonformal education, mass media…). All of them contribute to give the citizen the knowledge and interest that can allow him to act responsibly in the society. In this line, in this work it is tried to fi nd out in what measure the appeared scienti- fi c information in different media interests and it is understood by the Universty students. In addition is analyzed the possible connection existing between the scientifi c news and the perception that the students can have of them.


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How to Cite
Pérez Maldonado, M., García Barros, S., & Martínez Losada, C. (2004). School Science and Everyday Science. Mutual Interrelationships. Educatio Siglo XXI, 22, 169–185. Retrieved from