The Schooling of Gypsy Children: a Challenge and a Paradigm for Intercultural Education


  • Jean - Pierre Liégeois Université Paris 5 - Sorbonne
Keywords: Intercultural education, Gypsies, Council of Europe, European Union, minorities, educational policies-discrimination.


The gypsy case is highly revealing of the function and dysfunction related to educational policies and practices within the European context. The Gypsies, a transactional minority of about 8/10 million people in Europe, half of which are in their school age, represent for the development of an intercultural education a good bet, a challenge, and a paradigm that may become a source of inspiration for the management of schools with cultural diversity and a pluralism that develop due to the conjunction of two current tendencies, that of migration and that of an emergence of minorities. After the European context has been de- fi ned, a frame of reference initiated by the Council of Europe and the European Union will be presented, as well as both some of the main topics that arise currently at schools, and the working prospects that may follow for the development of an intercultural education.


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How to Cite
Liégeois, J. .-. P. (2004). The Schooling of Gypsy Children: a Challenge and a Paradigm for Intercultural Education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 22, 91–123. Retrieved from