The relevance and limitation of photography and sound in "Desierto sonoro" by Valeria Luiselli: a coexistence between archive and repertoire


  • Olivia Magaña Andaluz Universitat Barcelona
Keywords: Luiselli, Decoloniality, Hispano-American literature, Memory, Archive and repertoire


The article presented here aims to illuminate Valeria Luiselli's novel, Desierto sonoro, from a decolonial perspective. This can help us to understand how memory, migration and language are treated in the novel from the confluence of different disciplines such as literature, accustemology and photography. We will try to show, therefore, that it is optimal and possible to think about Luiselli's novel as a political project based on the borderlands: a space of coexistence in which two gnoseologies converge (the western one and the indigenous) with their respective ways of conceiving memory (one based on the archive and the other one on the repertoire). Luiselli attempts to bring a new way of conceiving reality based on community, the recognition of difference and listening, which places his work beyond national boundaries or, in other words, relegates his literary project to the desert space.


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How to Cite
Magaña Andaluz, O. (2023). The relevance and limitation of photography and sound in "Desierto sonoro" by Valeria Luiselli: a coexistence between archive and repertoire. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, (20), 161–180.