Right not to know and therapeutic privilege on minors concerning genetic diseases
We intend to analyse the legal institutions of “therapeutic privilege” and “right not to know”, restricted to genetic diseases and minor patients. In order to achieve this, we will consider, beyond the law regarding informed consent (Law 41/2002), the most recent changes concerning minors and their clinical data.
The adoption of the Organic Law 8/2015, 22nd July, on amendment of the protection system for childhood and adolescence; and Law 26/2015, 28th July, with the same name; increases the minors autonomy and also strengthen the “best interest of the child”. Besides, the application of the “General Data Protection Regulation”; and Organic Law 3/2018, 5th December, of Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, reinforces the informational self-determination, regarding both patients and minors.
The analysis of these two institutions and their influence in the context of clinical information will guide us in dealing with eventual conflicts among minors rights and the safeguards of their legal representatives.
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