New contributions to the analysis of the environmental and social effects of mining in Southern Europe


Keywords: Mining History, Labour History, living conditions, history of natural resources


This article analyses the different theories that explain the contribution of mining to economic development throughout history and the factors that determine the evolution of this sector in the long term. It then explains the influence that this productive activity has on the location of economic activity, especially industry. The paper then presents a brief interpretation of the evolution of mining throughout history and explores the positive and negative consequences of mining in the areas where it is carried out, with emphasis on environmental, social, labour and health conditions. Finally, new contributions to the study of the socio-environmental effects of mining in Southern Europe during industrialisation are presented.


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How to Cite
García Gómez, J. J., Martínez Soto, Ángel P., & Pérez de Perceval Verde, M. (2022). New contributions to the analysis of the environmental and social effects of mining in Southern Europe. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (43), 5–14.