The socioeconomic image of Franco’s Spain from the British perspective: a different or exceptional country?
The Francoist tourist slogan “Spain is different” led to confusion: was Spain an absolute exception in the European context, or did it simply have some differential features from a socio-economic point of view? The purpose of this article is to analyze the perspective adopted by British travelers and residents, who have historically played such an important role in forging a certain external image of Spain. In particular, the stories of Gerald Brenan, Robert Graves, Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson and Norman Lewis stand out, as they lived long in the country, both before and after the Civil War. All of them had the opportunity to expose the socioeconomic changes that began to take place in the late 1940s, while warning that Spain could lose its “charm” if there was a rapid economic modernization. Finally, however, their compatriots had a very different perception, as they ended up co-starring in mass tourism of “sun and beach”.
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