Concepts of “Geography” and “History” from basic to higher education - essay in NW Portugal
This study reflect about the evolution of perspectives and concepts of Geography and History presented by students of basic and higher education. It is relevant to understand what young people, in different stages of education, retain about these two areas to clarify whether their reading reflects, or not, the contents and objectives and if they translate, or not, the recent international concerns of education in Geography and History.
The starting point is the analysis of the data collected from students at the end of study cycles, through a questionnaire with two open-ended questions, in which we ask them to express "concepts" and "importance/value" for each subject: (1) what is Geography/History; (2) what is Geography/History for. This will result in a hierarchy of the most relevant words, which will be crossed, through a quantitative-descriptive methodology, with those considered: in the Essential Learnings of each study cycle; the purposes of the training pathway of Geography and History teachers in higher education; and with the international benchmarks of teaching and education for these scientific areas.
The results express the need to consolidate bridges between the ideas emanating from international scientific forums and the design of the study plans, with reflection on the conceptions that students build about Geography and History, in their relationship with teacher training.
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