
Keywords: Joint custody, best interests of the child, custody harassment, gender studies, family court, gender-based violence


In this article, the disputes of mothers and fathers about the custody and visitation of their sons and daughters are analyzed, through an interpretation of their narratives. It focuses on cases where divorce is conflictive, evidencing a significant presence of forms of gender-based violence, with and without a judicial complaint. Through stories, I analyzed the previous situation, the judicial process and the relations between the ex-partner once the definitive judicial measures had been taken in relation to the children. Nodal but not very visible elements are identified and analyzed at each moment of the judicial process: in the initial situation, the uncertainty experienced by the absence of rules of coexistence. Then, the difficulties posed by judicial rituals in showing complex situations and the mothers’ dilemma about whether or not to report the inconvenience their children may suffer for fear that they will not be believed. Finally, the emergence of new types of covert violence, such as financial abuse related to pensions and custody harassment. Divorces in which conflict becomes chronic can disrupt children’s daily lives.


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How to Cite
Jabbaz Churba, M. (2021). ALTERED CHILDHOOD IN CHILD CUSTODY LAWSUITS. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (42), 39–50.