The influence of Phenomenological thinking in the development of the Ethnographic discipline


Keywords: Epistemology of Social Science, Intersubjectivity, Phenomenology, Ethnography


This research explores the epistemological relationship between anthropology and ethnography with Husserlian philosophy, from a series of authors who articulate the ideas of phenomenology with the presuppositions of ethnography, especially as regards the development of the notion of intersubjectivity. The first generation of authors indirectly and partially incorporate the epistemological and ontological bases of Husserl’s philosophical proposal. Thus, authors such as Clifford Geertz, Maurice Natanson, Thomas Luckmann, Harold Garfinkel, Michael Agar, and Thomas Csordas, built part of their thinking with the continuation of the Husserlian phenomenology performed by Merleau-Ponty and Alfred Schütz, using the operative concepts of both philosophers. Even so, the depth and rigor in the treatment of these phenomenological concepts by this first generation will lead to a handling of the notion of intersubjectivity in a more restricted and specific way than the approaches made by Husserl. In the 70s and 80s, the influential and debatable criticisms made by Bourdieu and Derrida to Husserlian philosophy, had an important echo in anthropology and ethnography, leading to the abandonment of the direct treatment of Husserl’s ideas. Despite this, in the last two decades, authors such as Michael Agar, Michael Jackson, Vincent Crapanzano, Alessandro Duranti, Jason Throop, make up a third generation that takes up Husserlian ideas, managing to establish a series of dimensions and applications of the intersubjectivity concept introduced and developed by Husserl, which could serve as a possible basis for a study of the human condition and culture.


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How to Cite
Valdes, C. (2020). The influence of Phenomenological thinking in the development of the Ethnographic discipline. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (40), 37–50.