The permanent reform of dismissal: last milestones


  • Antonio Vicente Sempere Navarro Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Labor reform, dismissal, dismissal on disciplinary grounds, objective dismissal, dismissal costs


Depending on the “axial character of the dismissal at the moment of setting up labour relations “, the labour reform analyse is focused on the above mentioned nature. This permanent reform characterizes the Spanish Labour law in the last decades. Under this general frame, we pay particular attention to the dismissal with an individual dimension (disciplinary or objective). The most recent normative changes are also examined.


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Author Biography

Antonio Vicente Sempere Navarro, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Coordinador del Área Laboral, Gómez-Acebo & PomboDepartamento del Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad SocialUniversidad Rey Juan CarlosEdificio Departamental I, Campus de Vicálvaro,Paseo De Artilleros, S/n,28032 - Madrid
How to Cite
Sempere Navarro, A. V. (2013). The permanent reform of dismissal: last milestones. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (32), 39–52. Retrieved from