Early Childhood Intervention practices in the southeast of Spain: professionals and families perspective
Supporting Agencies
- Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica
- Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I D i). Proyecto número
- EDU2010-17786.
Currently in Spain we are living a process of transformation in Early childhood intervention towards a model centred on the family. This model begins to take on a special role as the fundamental axis of the intervention, participating actively in the educational and rehabilitation process of the child. Scientific evidence shows that suitable interaction of professionals with the family, through the implementation of relational and participatory practices, is fundamental for the success of the intervention. Therefore, it is crucial to know how these interactions are carried out and how they are perceived by them. The Styles Questionnaire of Interaction between Parents and Professionals in Early Intervention (SIPPEI) (Escorcia-Mora, García-Sánchez, Sánchez-López & Hernández-Pérez, 2016) was applied in order to analyze the strategies and styles of interaction of professionals with families. The questionnaire was completed by 504 families and 187 professionals. The results obtained show that Spanish professionals develop more relational practices and less participatory practices with families. However, professionals believe that they do more participatory practices than families actually receive, from the perception of these families. This leads us to conclude, about the need to improve professional training about the implications of family-centred practices in Early Intervention.
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