Measuring psychological abuse in same-sex couples: evidence of validity of the EAPA-P in a Spanish-speaking sample


  • Lara Longares University of Barcelona
  • Omar Saldaña University of Barcelona
  • Jordi Escartín University of Barcelona
  • Jaime Barrientos University of Santiago, Chile
  • Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira University of Barcelona
Keywords: coercive persuasion, intimate partner violence, psychological abuse, same-sex couples, scale validation

Supporting Agencies

  • Spanish Ministry of Economy
  • Industry and Competitiveness


Background: Research on psychological abuse in same-sex couples has increased in the last decades. However, the few studies validating standardized measures to assess the phenomenon have been conducted in English-speaking countries. The Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence Scale (EAPA-P) is a self-reported questionnaire measuring psychologically abusive behaviors experienced in intimate partner relationships. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the EAPA-P in Spanish-speakers in same-sex couples. Method: 372 lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals participated in the study through an online questionnaire. Validity evidence was tested using factor analysis and correlations with a measure on psychological distress, as well as examining the discriminatory power of the scale. Internal consistency reliability was calculated with the ordinal Alpha coefficient. Results: The main results showed a one-dimensional factor structure explaining 52.27% of the total variance with a reliability of .95. The discriminant analysis revealed a score higher than 12 in a range from 0 to 76 as the optimal cut-off point to identify victimization. Significant correlations were found between the EAPA-P scores and depressive symptomatology. Conclusions: The EAPA-P appears to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess victimization of psychological abuse in Spanish-speakers in same-sex couples.


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How to Cite
Longares, L., Saldaña, O., Escartín, J., Barrientos, J., & Rodríguez-Carballeira, Álvaro. (2018). Measuring psychological abuse in same-sex couples: evidence of validity of the EAPA-P in a Spanish-speaking sample. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 34(3), 555–561.
Social and Organizational Psychology

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