Investigating the Mediator role of Social Safeness on the Relationship between Forgiveness and Life Satisfaction


  • Umran Akin Sakarya University Department of Educational Psychology
  • Ahmet Akin Sakarya University Department of Educational Psychology
Keywords: Forgiveness, social safeness, life satisfaction, hierarchical regression analysis


The aim of the present study is to examine the mediating effect of social safeness on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. Participants were 311 university students who completed a questionnaire package that included the Trait Forgiveness Scale, the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. According to the results, social safeness and life satisfaction were predicted positively by forgiveness. On the other hand, life satisfaction was predicted positively by social safeness. In addition, social safeness mediated on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. The results were discussed in the light of the related literature and dependent recommendations to the area were given.


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How to Cite
Akin, U., & Akin, A. (2016). Investigating the Mediator role of Social Safeness on the Relationship between Forgiveness and Life Satisfaction. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 32(2), 528–534.
Social Psychology