A Multidimensional Approach to Social Support: The Questionnaire on the Frequency of and Satisfaction with Social Support (QFSSS)
Supporting Agencies
- Junta de Andalucía - Secretaría General de Universidades
- Investigación y Tecnología
The Questionnaire on the Frequency of and Satisfaction with Social Support (QFSSS) was designed to assess the frequency of and the degree of satisfaction with perceived social support received from different sources in relation to three types of support: emotional, informational and instrumental. This study tested the reliability of the questionnaire and its criterion and structural validity. The data were drawn from survey interviews of 2042 Spanish people. The results show high internal consistency (values of Cronbach’s alpha range from .763 to .952). The correlational analysis showed significant positive associations between QFSSS scores and measures of subjective well-being and perceived social support, as well as significant negative associations with measures of loneliness (Pearson’s r correlation range from .11 to .97). Confirmatory factor analysis by Structural Equation Modeling suggested an internal 4-factor structure that corresponds to the sources of support analyzed: partner, family, friends and community (values for the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) range from .93 to .95; for the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) range from .95 to .98; for Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) range from .10 to .07). These results confirm the QFSSS validity as a versatile tool, suitable for the detailed assessment of social support.
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