Innovative methodology at the university. Its effects on learning processes of university students.
Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Convocatoria Nacional de Ayudas para la financiación de Proyectos de I D en el marco del VI Plan Nacional de I D i 2008-2011
- convocatoria de 2011 (2013-2015). (Código EDU2012-32725)
We wanted to assess the impact of learning-centered methodology on learning strategies and learning approaches of a students’ group of Chemistry. They were first year engineering students from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. We used a pre-experimental design with pretest and posttest measures by means of the CEVEAPEU and CPE questionnaires. The sample consisted of 20 students. The teaching methods included expositive methodology, questions, problem solving, development of a monograph, presentations, laboratory practices, team work, tutoring in the classroom and an evaluation system that made use of training procedures that returned feedback to students (two diagnostic tests, assessment of solved problems, self-assessment using the e-learning platform of the university, oral assessment in class, written tests, etc..). Significant improvements in learning strategies scores in the posttest and increasing in deep approach were found.Downloads
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