Self-regulation of academic emotions: recent research and prospective view


Keywords: Self-regulated learning, Affective self-regulation, Learning strategies, Secondary education, College


In this paper, a review of the scientific literature on the self-regulation of academic emotions is offered. A systematized search of documents was carried out in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. A total of 29 articles and book chapters were selected, which met the previously established eligibility criteria. Data and theoretical interpretations were collected that have allowed us to obtain a global vision of the state of knowledge about the principal nuclei of interest: types and frequency of use of emotional self-regulation strategies, situational conditions in which they are applied, correlates of their use and individual moderating differences.


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How to Cite
Mar´tinez-López, Z., Villar, E., Castro, M., & Tinajero, C. (2021). Self-regulation of academic emotions: recent research and prospective view. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 37(3), 529–540.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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