The genie in a bottle. The CREA test, questions and creativity. Introduction to special theme “The CREA test, creative intelligence”.


  • Javier Corbalán Berná Universidad de Murcia
  • Rosa María Limiñana Gras Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: creativity, innovation, crea, questioning, questions, measure-ment, parsimony


Last year, 2009, was declared by the European Union as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. After sixty years of system-atic psychological research on these realities, society, business and politics begin to show highly sensitive to them as key concepts, both in under-standing, and in organizing and stimulating scientific and social progress. In general, it appears that, from the famous opening speech of his presi-dency of the APA by JP Guilford in 1950 until now, research on creativity has increased very significantly, with new theoretical developments and sophisticated methodologies, and researchers have made significant con tributions from a growing variety of disciplines. Responding to the diag-nosis of Hennessey and Amabile, who believe that current state of re-search into creativity is characterized both by exuberance and by a frag-mentation; and welcoming as their own the need, expressed by Runco, for a parsimonious approach to creativity, CREA project has found in the cognitive flexibility expressed with the generation of questions, an efficient indicator of potential creative talent and a core parsimonious explanation of the double minimum condition present in all tasks related to creativity: originality and effectiveness. Since its release seven years ago, the use of CREA in different contexts, both in research and in applied psychology, especially in the field of human resources has given rise to new data about its characteristics, possibilities and limitations. This Dossier is presented in this sense, intended as a display of different possibilities to study the di-mension of creativity, evaluated through the CREA, and its relations and interactions with various psychological variables.


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How to Cite
Corbalán Berná, J., & Limiñana Gras, R. M. (2010). The genie in a bottle. The CREA test, questions and creativity. Introduction to special theme “The CREA test, creative intelligence”. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 26(2), 197–205. Retrieved from
Monographic theme: Test CREA, creative intelligence

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