Guy Goffette: a lyrism of everyday life


  • Irati Fernández Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU)
Keywords: Guy Goffette, “Nouveau Lyrisme”, French contemporary poetry, everyday life


After the experimental poetic tendencies that have been developed in French poetry between the 1960s and the 1970s, some French contemporary poets seem to get some lyric characteristics back into poetry. The French contemporary poet Guy Goffette is one of the representative poets of this procedure that has been initiated with the “Nouveau Lyrisme” in the 1980s. Those poets want to accomplish a reinterpretation and an actualisation of poetic lyrism, without returning to the effusiveness and the sentimentalism of traditional romantic lyrism. To avoid this, some poets like Guy Goffette seem to approach everyday life in their poetry, to stay on the side of simplicity, austerity and sobriety that will provide them the opportunity to approach the lyric characteristics of poetry without falling into an overemotional lyrism. This article aims to study the presence of a lyrism that we have called “of everyday life” in the poetry of Guy Goffette, to determine if the procedure of everyday life represents a new way to explore lyrism in French contemporary poetry.


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How to Cite
Fernández, I. (2018). Guy Goffette: a lyrism of everyday life. Anales de Filología Francesa, 26.