Le dire de l’Homme: Les Eaux profondes de Roger Munier


  • Yolanda Viñas del Palacio
Keywords: nothingness, being, God, Man, poetry


In Les Eaux profondes, the fifth volume of Opus incertum, Roger Munier continues the task of conjugating thought and poetry to celebrate nothingness eclipsed by being and annihilated by our present avid for certainties with a denuded word, which is neither human nor divine, since it comes from that part that is hidden and is concealed by being as manifestation and which is simply the word Man.


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How to Cite
Viñas del Palacio, Y. (2009). Le dire de l’Homme: Les Eaux profondes de Roger Munier. Anales de Filología Francesa, 17, 377–394. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/95841