Le dormeur du val de Rimbaud et l’orientation tragique du topos littéraire du “locus amoenus”: analyse énonciative et communicative du poème


  • Juan Herrero Cecilia
Keywords: aesthetic discourse in poetry, rhetorics of ‘locus amoenus’, rimbaud, parnassian aesthetics, XXth century French poetry


“Rimabud’s Le dormeur du val and the tragic orientation of the “locus amoenus”: an enunciative and communicative analysis”. (suprimir) The aim of this paper is to carry out an aesthetic and communicative analysis of Rimbaud’s sonnet Le dormeur du val, exploring its enunciative, thematic, rhetoric and rhythmic dimensions. One of its main objectives is to study the “poetics of space” and the tragic orientation of the literary topic of “locus amoenus” as textual strategies to defeat the reader’s expectations. Such strategies are associated with Rimbaud’s former Parnassian aesthetics, prior to his becoming a visionary poet.


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How to Cite
Herrero Cecilia, J. (2009). Le dormeur du val de Rimbaud et l’orientation tragique du topos littéraire du “locus amoenus”: analyse énonciative et communicative du poème. Anales de Filología Francesa, 17, 169–182. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/95711