Poèmes par un riche amateur: de l’aventure lyrique novatrice à l’aventure textuelle


  • María Isabel Corbí Sáez
Keywords: lyric poetry, modernity, reflexivity, intertextuality, textual adventure


There is no doubt that Poèmes par un riche amateur (1908), with the poems of Valery Larbaud’s heteronym has contributed to the renewal of lyric poetry exhausted with the decline of French symbolism. A lyric poetry that takes its inspiration along the new geographical spaces railed by the frenetic train courses across the European continent and a renewal of poetry too, since the diction of the poet’s self is orchestrated by the jerking of the journey and the imaginary whims of a sensitive being in the search for his “lost soul” holds our interest because of its groundbreaking features. The poet looking for the “Invisible Beauty” invites us to join him in the textual adventure through the text in itself and through the weaving texts.


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How to Cite
Corbí Sáez, M. I. (2009). Poèmes par un riche amateur: de l’aventure lyrique novatrice à l’aventure textuelle. Anales de Filología Francesa, 17, 69–84. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/95631