L' éloquence d’un cœur silencieux: les représentations du petit dans La nuit du cœur de Christian Bobin.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.568561
Keywords: Christian Bobin, Langage mystique, Littérature française contemporaine, fragment, petit


Our paper, "The eloquence of a silent heart: the representations of the small in La nuit du coeur by Christian Bobin", wants to analyse the existing links between mystic writing and the fragment as a literary form. At the juncture of both literature and philosophy, La nuit du coeur is one of the last books written by the Académie française prize-winning French writer Christian Bobin. The representations of smallness are initially examined under a formal point of view: the structure of the book, its form and the main themes. These themes will be used in order to constitute a new approach in the study of mystic language in La nuit du coeur with the aid of Simone Weil’s and Michel de Certeau’s major works. Our article allows us to theorize a new geometrical method to represent the smallness and its practical effects and to later discover that these paradoxical images are extremely flexible to order the mystic experience and its writing.


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How to Cite
Girelli, C. (2023). L’ éloquence d’un cœur silencieux: les représentations du petit dans La nuit du cœur de Christian Bobin. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.568561