Évita, Irina y Loretta: diversidad sexual e identidad fluida en el teatro de Copi


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.497871
Keywords: Copi, Theater, Identity, Sexuality, Subversion


Copi, a Parisian from Argentina, “unclassifiable” for many, wrote almost all his work in French, with some exceptions. A brief tour around his theatrical production and the analysis of some works (Eva Peron, 1969, L’homosexuel ou la difficulté de s’exprimer, 1971 and Loretta Strong, 1974), through his most representative characters: Evita, Irina and Loretta, will allow us to discover the subversive mechanisms of this hybrid and polyvalent author. The commitment to irreverent and transgressive characters, during the gestation period of new revolutionary ideas and sexual liberation, makes Copi’s theater a space of innovation and rupture. In fact, one of the most recurrent aspects is the sexual and identity diversity of the characters that swarm in their imagination: transvestites, homosexuals and transsexuals. A whole universe full of “queer” beings in mutation and unclassifiable. Does Copi propose a new conception of theater where the borders of fiction with life are diluted and confused?


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How to Cite
Vásquez Sáenz, H. F. (2022). Évita, Irina y Loretta: diversidad sexual e identidad fluida en el teatro de Copi. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.497871