Motion verbs in a bilingual syntactic-combinatorial dictionary in French and Spanish: TACTICOMB
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- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
After Talmy (1985) and Slobin (2004) highlighted the existence of tendencies in conceptualization and lexicalization of motion events in languages, there has been a lot of research on this topic in different areas: Linguistics, Translation Studies, First and Second Language Acquisition or Second Language Teaching. As Talmy points out, the expression of motion has different tendencies in languages from highlighting the trajectory of motion to highlighting the manner of motion in the verb, but this is not the only factor (linguistic) that allows to make some notions explicit or to keep others implicit, in a discursively acceptable utterance (Slobin). Our aim is to try to transfer this kind of lexical knowledge into a bilingual syntactic-combinatorial dictionary, TACTICOMB, through the class of motion verbs that do not seem to involve, in their “literal” senses, a restricted combinatory (collocations) as appears in many combinatory dictionaries.
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Diccionarios ordenados por la abreviatura utilizada en el artículo
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[EDCEI] GRECO, Simone. 2015. Esbozo de un diccionario combinatorio español-italiano. Tesis doctoral. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Dirigida por Javier García González. <>
[PRÁCTICO] BOSQUE, Ignacio (dir.). 2006. Diccionario combinatorio práctico del español contemporáneo, Madrid, SM.
[REDES] BOSQUE, Ignacio (dir.). 2004. Redes. Diccionario combinatorio del español contemporáneo, Madrid, SM.
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