Erratic itinerary and identity mutation in M. Condé’s Desirada


Keywords: erratic itinerary, migrant, mutation, identity, sociocriticism

Supporting Agencies

  • Université de Yaoundé I


How does the phenomenon of immigration cause migrants to change their psychological, socio-professional and cultural identities to such an extent that they become hybrids? Based on Henri Mitterand’s sociocriticism, this study is organized in three parts. First, we show how immigration proves to be a stumbling block in the migrant's identity-building process, as well as a springboard for reinventing oneself in the foreign space. Then we look at the aesthetic dimension that allows us to grasp the novel above all as a work of art and not a history textbook. Finally, we illustrate that identity, in Condé's case, results from the sum of the cultures that the migrant encounters throughout his or her erratic itinerary.


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How to Cite
Eyenga Onana, P. S. (2020). Erratic itinerary and identity mutation in M. Condé’s Desirada. Anales de Filología Francesa, 28(1), 135–150.