The speech act of offering in digital travel advertising in French


Keywords: offering, speech act, advertising, travels, Internet.

Supporting Agencies

  • proyecto de investigación FFI2015-63715


The pragmatic study of speech acts has undergone a considerable evolution in recent years. In the light of the influence of new technologies on society, it is necessary to study speech acts in the field of digital discourse, in order to account the current forms of communication. Bearing this reality in mind, this article aims to analyse offering as a speech act in a specific context and mass media: digital travel advertising in French. We analyse specifically the linguistic strategies of the offering in a corpus of travel offers, as well as their characteristics and the external modification that accompanies them, with the purpose of showing a renewed study on speech acts, in general, and on the offering, in particular, and performing new considerations on this speech act in the context of the electronic advertising.


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How to Cite
Aldama Epelde, A. (2020). The speech act of offering in digital travel advertising in French. Anales de Filología Francesa, 28(1), 249–270.