Pragmatic awareness in French as a foreign language advanced students: an empirical study


Keywords: conscience pragmatique, français langue étrangère, compétence pragmatique


The importance of pragmatic competence, which is part of communicative competence, has increased in recent years for foreign language learners in order to help them become communicative competent in a globalised and internationalised world. Nevertheless, this competence is not very present in French as a foreign language (FLE) teaching which leads us to question if learners have pragmatic awareness in the foreign language as this pragmatic awareness plays a key role in its acquisition. The aim of this study is to examine the pragmatic awareness of Spanish advanced students in FLE. Our results show that their pragmatic awareness doenot correlate with their linguistic proficiency, which leads us to reinforce the importance of teaching pragmatic competence in FLE.  


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How to Cite
Ruiz de Zarobe, L. (2020). Pragmatic awareness in French as a foreign language advanced students: an empirical study. Anales de Filología Francesa, 28(1), 599–626.