Armand Salacrou: from “dedramatization” to “redramatization” of drama
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- Université de Łódź
The author of the article analyses two pieces by Armand Salacrou, L'Inconnue d'Arras et Sens interdit, which, contrary to“absolute drama”, are part of the new paradigm of “drama-of-the-life”. By renouncing the canonical form of drama, the French writer deconstructs the classic fable to attract public’s attention not to action in the traditional sense of the word but to the analysisof the human’s soul. What is more, it challenges the individual character, defined by a psychology, in favor of an alienated character with multiple facets. Thus, we are witnessing a drama which is no longer agonistic but ontological, the “acting character” giving way to the “passive character”. The implementation of some operations of “dedramatization” (retrospection, anticipation, decomposition of the character) does not aim at the annihilation of the genre, but at its enlargement which allows it (following crises which it undergoes) to reinvent itself (redramatization) and to better express the disappointments of the modern man.
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