From the ether to the abyss, a Balzacian journey towards the inversion of the romanesque world from two writings to the antipodes: Sarrasine and La Rabouilleuse
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- Université de Lorraine
Balzac in his Human Comedy project designed a large-scale undertaking intended to be a reflection, if not exact, at least very faithful of the world around him. He can also, always with a realistic concern, decide to show the exact opposite of what he has revealed before. What is important in this paradoxical connection is the journey between two alleged antithetical universes. Thus this aesthetic of the path towards a reversal of potential values causes a tension between two opposite poles. However, the romantic universes are not in total opposition and the reversal may be an indication of a significant and significant change. Our examples will be taken from two works by Balzac: Buckwheat (1830) and La Rabouilleuse (1842). These two books were chosen for their points of divergence, to show the evolution of the writer’s work over time and how his journey is representative of personal enrichment and he illustrates the evolution of his aesthetic choices.
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