Rhythm in African poetry: between monotony and dynamism
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- Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (côte d’ivoire)
Rhythm, at the heart of the text, is an issue that is rarely addressed for its own sake. Yet, although it has no meaning, the role of rhythm in the construction of meaning in the text is most essential. It is thus that the rhythm, in the absence of meaning, makes sense, however, by the way it intervenes in the sequence of text. It is in this respect that a number of questions are resolved within the text, particularly those relating to the fixing of meaning, as well as those relating to the expression of obsession and emotion. These are all questions which concern our present reflection, through two essential points on this subject and which lead us, in the first place, to question the problem of the construction of the balance between the content and the form in the textual sequences; second, the process at the end of which the emotional category takes birth, condition of the aesthetic pleasure of the text.
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