Self writing and violation of the private life of others or the judicialization of autofiction: Christine Angot’s Les Petits and Marcela Iacub’s Belle et Bête


Keywords: autofiction, identifiable figure, private life, lawsuit, writer's posture

Supporting Agencies

  • Université de Douala


This article focuses on the judiciarization of two autofictions: Christine Angot’s Les Petits and Marcela Iacub’s Belle et Bête. These scandalous novels have each been the subject of a lawsuit for violation of the private life of the identifiable characters portrayed therein. The former cynically overexposes the life of Elise Bidoit, the ex-wife of Angot's companion. The second is the shameless and provocative story of an ephemeral love between Iacub and the former director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Khan. We have jointly mobilise certain aspects of the auctorial posture (Meizoz, 2011) and the critical reception (Jauss, 1990) to carry out ours analyzes. Thus, it turns out that Angot and Iacub, as two executioners, operated, each in his own way, a cynical literary maneuver aimed primarily at harming their victims or literary preys.


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Références bibliographiques

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How to Cite
Ngamaleu, J. (2019). Self writing and violation of the private life of others or the judicialization of autofiction: Christine Angot’s Les Petits and Marcela Iacub’s Belle et Bête. Anales de Filología Francesa, 27(1), 199–216.