“The great idea of the reign”. Napoleon III, mentor of the “Archidupes” in Mexico. Some Recent Literary Reflections


  • André Benit
Keywords: Second Mexican Empire, Napoleon III, Maximilian of Habsburg, Carlota of Belgium, French literature


Ever since Victor Hugo referred to him as “Napoléon le petit”, Napoleon III has had a very bad reputation in intellectual and political spheres in France and Belgium. However, over the past twenty or thirty years, we have witnessed a “re-appropriation” of the figure of the emperor of the French by several French historians and politicians. What ́s more, a few French novelists have participated in this movement of rehabilitation. In this study, which focuses on what constitutes the accursed emperor ́s “great idea of the reign”, in other words his failed attempt to transform Mexico into a new empire, we will compare the reflections of novelists who either denigrate or are partisans of Napoleon I ́s nephew.


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How to Cite
Benit, A. (2017). “The great idea of the reign”. Napoleon III, mentor of the “Archidupes” in Mexico. Some Recent Literary Reflections. Anales de Filología Francesa, 24, 197–216. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/282851