Marivaux dans les cités: "L’Esquive" d’Abdellatif Kechiche


  • Aina Reynés Linares
Keywords: Cinema, Beur, Kechiche, Marivaux, Theater


In this article we had intended to analyze the use and presence of theater in L’Esquive (2004), the second film of the Franco-Tunisian filmmaker Abdellatif Kechiche. To do this we have tried to show how Kechiche moves away from the clichés and stereotypes associated with the banlieue, to approach us to the feelings of a group of teenagers, and specifically Krimo and Lydia.

The use of theater and especially of Marivaux and his work Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard (1730) gives the film a depth and a distinctive aesthetic and symbolic game that allowed us to make parallels between the play and the film. We have also tried to analyze the role of theater in the student’s self-learning as well as the high school in its function of space of maturation and development of youth.


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How to Cite
Reynés Linares, A. (2013). Marivaux dans les cités: "L’Esquive" d’Abdellatif Kechiche. Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 321–332. Retrieved from