Débuts d ́André Gide au théâtre. Saül ou la mise en échec de l ́individualisme


  • Elena Meseguer Paños
Keywords: Gide, theater, beginning, individualism, Saül


Despite what is commonly believed about the play of Gide, the writer did love the theater and also worried about the form and the restrictions imposed by the representation. Gide wrote his plays in order to be represented. However, despite Gide ́s intense desire to stage his plays, he did not get the expected results; the performances were a failure both public and critics. This fact marked him deeply and conditioned definitely the idea that forged the theater and the theatrical. Throughout this article we will try to figure out what were his convictions and aesthetic requirements regarding the theater and how these are reflected in his early work, Saül. We will also have the opportunity to see that the work gets to explore the ethics of individualism, and verifies the dangers oneself absolute availability.


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How to Cite
Meseguer Paños, E. (2013). Débuts d ́André Gide au théâtre. Saül ou la mise en échec de l ́individualisme. Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 259–272. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/188251