Derivas poéticas de la alteridad a propósito de "Le dieu du carnage", de Yasmina Reza


  • José Ignacio Lorente
Keywords: dramatic text, filmic discourse, otherness, spectator


This paper deals an analysis of the processes of the stage adaptation of Yasmina Reza ́s dramatic text, Le dieu du carnage. The work provides a first reading as a dissection of contemporary society, through the representation of the daily conflicts and tensions of the middle class, educated and seemingly civilized, but under that late the pulse of violence inscribed in the worrying presence of the other, of the difference, of the stranger.

But while the violence implicit in the construction and encounter of the other chains the plot and the distribution of events that the dramatic text exposes, the cinematic staging process takes a discursive strategy in charge of his transfer to the spectatorial space.


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How to Cite
Lorente, J. I. (2013). Derivas poéticas de la alteridad a propósito de "Le dieu du carnage", de Yasmina Reza. Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 177–199. Retrieved from