Jean Giono serait-il (aussi) dramaturge?


  • Dominique Bonnet
Keywords: Jean Giono, theatre, imagination, François, Rancillac


Jean Giono, a twentieth-century French writer, stays in our memories through writings characterized by an inveterate pacifism, an exalted feeling of nature and a deep romantic influence. Novels, short stories and essays compose the literary path of Jean Giono and yet it is the theater that made him reappear recently in the literary scene. In 2011 an unknown Giono returns thanks to the staging by François Rancillac of one of the few theatrical creations by this author, Le Bout de la route. Getting to know better this different Jean Giono, exploring the play by this motionless traveler, as he liked to define himself, are the goals of our article.


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How to Cite
Bonnet, D. (2013). Jean Giono serait-il (aussi) dramaturge?. Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 37–50. Retrieved from