Los griots: de bardos protectores a narradores desprotegidos


  • Vicente Enrique Montes Nogales
Keywords: oral literature, griots, storytellers, literary genres, Africa


Colonization, the gaining of independence and, later, emigration, have deeply transformed traditional Western African society and, with it, the role of griots. When in the old days they accompanied the monarchs and princes as genealogists, chroniclers, advisers, heralds, historians and teachers, nowadays their roles have changed. Although narrative sessions in which epic, myths and other literary genres still entertain and teach different generations of Africans, many griots have chosen other paths, some in order to survive and, the lucky ones, to gain profit from it. Researchers’ studies and interviews with some griots have proved that songs, music influenced by the new technologies of the west, and eulogy have made it possible for them to gain profits.


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How to Cite
Montes Nogales, V. E. (2012). Los griots: de bardos protectores a narradores desprotegidos. Anales de Filología Francesa, 20, 187–205. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/167171