Images de la femme maghrébine: analyse comparative de Je dois tout à ton oubli et La saison des hommes


  • María Ángeles Llorca Tonda
Keywords: North African literature, film, women, alienation, freedom


In the artistic productions object of my study, Malika Mokeddem novel, Je dois tout à ton oubli (2008) and the Tunisian film director Rachida Tlatli, La saison des hommes (2000), evokes the theme of resignation and submis- sion of women to the power of men in the North African context.

The parallel analysis of the novel and film will allow me to highlight the convergent narrati- ve structures used in both works to denounce women’s alienation and despair that some of them manifest. Similarly enunciate what are the loopholes that both the novelist and the di- rector proposed to the heroines of their stories.


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How to Cite
Llorca Tonda, M. Ángeles. (2012). Images de la femme maghrébine: analyse comparative de Je dois tout à ton oubli et La saison des hommes. Anales de Filología Francesa, 20, 141–154. Retrieved from