La littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse en francophonie africaine subsaharienne: quelques repères documentaires


  • Javier De Agustín
Keywords: Children’s Literature, Literary Genre, Africa, French-speak Communities, Publishing House


This work is a first approach to the publishing production in the field of Children’s Literature in Sub-Sahara French-speaker Africa, through a global synthesis of data on the native publishing house activity that publishes texts for young people. In the first part of the article, general questions regarding the specificity of Children’s Literature as genre are approached, whereas in the second part the documentary production of each editorial in each country of the zone is described and a classification of the countries is settled according to the volume of published books.


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How to Cite
De Agustín, J. (2012). La littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse en francophonie africaine subsaharienne: quelques repères documentaires. Anales de Filología Francesa, 20, 5–23. Retrieved from