
Keywords: RDA, BIBFRAME, Bibliographic, Cataloging, Description, MARC, RDF, LRM, ILS, Semantic Web


Currently, users prefer to go to search engines to consult the information they want to know, and libraries are not playing a key role in this, mainly because the data in their catalogs are not integrated natural and efficiently on the web. In order to solve it, the library community faces an evolution in the way of describing its bibliographic and authority records, and proposes a new conceptual model (LRM), new cataloging directives (RDA) and a new bibliographic framework (BIBFRAME). A qualitative study of the state of the art has been carried out, analyzing articles and conferences on the subject and interviewing qualified representatives of a selection of library institutions. They accept their role by undertaking the implementation of RDA on MARC and publishing their catalogs in Linked Open Data portals. However, the future incorporation of BIBFRAME to the detriment of MARC will be a more traumatic and decisive step.


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How to Cite
Cormenzana López, R., & López-Borrull, A. (2018). STUDY OF THE ADAPTATION TO RDA AND BIBFRAME IN THE FIELD OF SPANISH LIBRARIES: CASE STUDIES. Information Science Journal, 21(2).