Supporting Agencies
- Este trabajo
- como parte de VESTIGIUM
- ha sido financiado por la UCV 2011-011-011. Generalitat Valenciana. CONSELLERIA DE EDUCACIÓN. Redes de excelencia Prometeo 2013/041
- MICINN. CSO2011-13730-E.
This document considers how the librarian community manages information in parallel with other professional sectors of the web environment. Similar technologies that are the basis of the semantic web (ontologies) were developed by librarians, who applying tools and controlled vocabularies. They address the underlying problems of digital information overload, helping to control and contextualize the data. This text proposes the modeling of export formats that facilitate the exchange of data of authorities between information systems, particularly in the digital library VESTIGIUM. With this objective, the 'authortable' pattern is created, which complies with the Linked Data (LD) publication premises: the four basic principles defined by Berners-Lee for the publication of LD. This ensures the contextualization and visibility of information by creating an interoperable prototype of biographical data.Downloads
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