Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- proyecto I D I "Comunicación y periodismo para la participación ciudadana en el seguimiento y la evaluación de la gestión de los gobiernos locales"
- referencia CSO2012-34687
The objective of the project Infoparticipa Map is to improve the transparency of local public administrations. A procedure of civic audit has been developed, which starts with the evaluation of the information published on the websites of corporations. The results are shown in the Infoparticipa Map, reports are elaborated to make them known on media, local governments are advised in order to improve their results and a certification seal is granted to those getting satisfactory results. In 2012, there was a first assessment of the websites of 947 local governments in Catalonia and two more were made in the following years. Comparing obtained results, we show the status of transparency in those two moments and the usefulness of the procedure. Local governments that have applied the criteria of the project are better prepared to meet the Law of Transparency, in effect since December 2015.Downloads
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