Supporting Agencies
- Programa de Incentivos del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina
- H/664
- “Usos y aplicaciones de tecnologías infocomunicacionales en bibliotecas argentinas. Relaciones con los contenidos curriculares en las carreras de Bibliotecología”
This article analyses the main uses of the social media Twitter in university libraries in Argentina. After revising existing literature, we outline the research methods used to identify whether libraries are currently adopting Twitter and how it is being used. We focus on the following areas: the starting date of the activity, basic institutional data, visibility and access to Twitter from the library web, the quantity of tweets over time, those "followed" and those "following" and quantity and type of posts during the period of time selected for research. The results show that few libraries have used Twitter and their use of this media tool has generally been unplanned, mostly for spreading information rather than interaction. It also stresses that despite an extensive literature on what are considered good practices, generally they are not taken by the institutions. At last, we propose further research in this area to widen our knowledge of the daily use of Twitter among librarians.Downloads
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