Formation semipresencial and virtual in Information Science in the area of Library Department and Information Science of the Complutense University (1998-2007)


  • Alfonso López Yepes
Keywords: campus virtual, doctorado iberoamericano en línea, e-docuinfo, formación semipresencial, formación virtual, multidoc, portal, posgrado, proyecto investigación, servicio documentación multimedia, universidad complutense, universidad virtual iberoameri


This work describes the performances that on formation semipresencial and virtual the department of library and information science of the Complutense University in has taken to end the last decade, as one of his lines of investigation, always framed in a society of the information constant in evolution under the protection of the digital technologies and his developments and applications. There are mentioned -with bibliography pertinent and necessary for the amplification of the suggested information- the activities, accomplishments and collaborations with other institutions in the area of the teaching in the diverse university levels, the investigation as for projects and participation in congresses and seminars and the publication in different, specially electronic supports, so much out of line as in real time. The most recent frame of performance is outlined, finally, in relation with very evolved offers and collaborations in investigations of group, as well as in the putting in march of a Virtual Latin-American University


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How to Cite
López Yepes, A. (2008). Formation semipresencial and virtual in Information Science in the area of Library Department and Information Science of the Complutense University (1998-2007). Information Science Journal, 10, 245–261. Retrieved from