Effectiveness of nutritional supplementations with polyphenols on muscle damage and biomarkers of oxidative stress in different types of physical exercises: A review of the literature.


  • Pedro Donadio Escuela de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Salud; Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Cristobal Muñoz Escuela de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Salud; Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Francisca Flores-Lucero Escuela de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Salud; Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Diego F. Garcia-Diaz Departamento de Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Claudio Farias-Valenzuela Instituto del Deporte, Universidad de las Américas, Santiago 9170022, Chile
  • Esteban Quezada Escuela de Enfermería, Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile
  • Carlos Poblete-Aro Escuela de Enfermería, Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/sportk.550641
Keywords: Oxidative stress, Polyphenols, Exercise, Muscle damage


During exercise, there is a redox imbalance that increases reactive oxygen species, generating oxidative stress that favors muscle damage, affecting physical and sports performance. Different antioxidant supplements have been used to optimize muscle recovery after physical exercise. However, the effects of various antioxidants have been counterproductive, since the reactive oxygen species generated by exercise are necessary for muscle adaptation and their reduction prevents correct intracellular signaling and consequently the adaptation of skeletal muscle to exercise. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant that are present in various fruits and herb extracts that have different characteristics depending on their structure and composition, some presenting a cell signaling pathway similar to exercise, generating different stimuli at the skeletal muscle level, being able to reduce the oxidative damage generated by exercise and even being able to enhance its effects. The aim of this literature review is to describe the effect of various polyphenols on muscle damage and biomarkers of oxidative stress on different forms of physical exercise and sports in adults.


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How to Cite
Donadio, P., Muñoz, C., Flores-Lucero, F., Garcia-Diaz, D. F. ., Farias-Valenzuela, C. ., Quezada, E., & Poblete-Aro, C. . (2022). Effectiveness of nutritional supplementations with polyphenols on muscle damage and biomarkers of oxidative stress in different types of physical exercises: A review of the literature. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 11, 4. https://doi.org/10.6018/sportk.550641